Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"When I Fight Authority, Authority Always Wins"

That's been my experience, too, John Mellencamp.

Even though he is an avid practitioner of the 'audience talk' that usually annoys me with other performers, I'm willing to forgive Johnny for it.

I'm simpatico with my fellow Hoosier.

Next to the Grateful Dead, he's probably my favorite live act around. I've seen him maybe a half-dozen times or so.

One time, when I lived in the Twin Cities, we saw him over at Northrop Auditorium and the poor guy was sick as a dog and came out and did everything but make armpit noises for us, singing his heart out to give the fans the best he could.

The opening riff in Authority Song is one of the classics of rock, in my opinion, right up there with the way Layla starts.

Music starts at about the 3:30 mark if you want to skip the Bush-bashing in this cut from a few weeks ago in Montreal.

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