Including god.
Well, maybe she's not, but the people who claim to represent her sure seem to like having a firm grip on you.
The latest round of this country's screwball obsession with things religious has to do with consistently tasteless stuff Barack's preacher likes to say when he's getting people riled up.
Contrary to where you might think I'm going, I could care less what the Rev. Jeremiah Wright thinks about anything. He's a harmless sort of fellow who's probably had a net-positive effect on the city of Chicago, despite or because of his little eccentric streak.
I never fail to be amused, though, when one "believer" tells another that a certain preacher is crazy.
So let's get this straight. A bunch of people who believe that they are eating the actual flesh, and drinking the actual blood of some dude from 2000 years ago think that that colored feller in Chicago is off his rocker for comparing the headcount caused by our dropping of the bomb on Japan to that on 9-11.
But the people I really have a problem with, as usual, are the jackals in the Clinton campaign who are almost certainly behind the videos circulating today of the Rev. Bill knew what he was doing when he pushed some racial buttons in South Carolina but, as has been noted here and elsewhere, the Clintons learn from their mistakes. Making the claims themselves turned out to be costly. So this time, the movies are mysteriously showing up in media outlets today without clear attribution. Methinks the Nomination Fairy left them.
Wow, you're offensive on so many levels.
Yeah, say that to my face, anonymous.
I fart in your general direction.
spank me!
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