Sunday, March 02, 2008

Bubba, That Lying SOB

Doing some housecleaning here and I can't tell if the Pine-Sol or the blabbering jackass on TV is making it harder to breathe.

On C-SPAN, he just spent 15 minutes, down in College Station, TX, railing against No Child Left Behind.

He was pointing out all the problems with it and making it sound like the most worthless piece of legislation ever.

The problem is, of course, that Hillary voted for it!

Part of her standard rap on this is that it was enforced in a way inconsistent with the way the bill was written.

We have two choices here...either she did not anticipate the downsides of the bill or she voted for a bill that did not have adequate enforcement mechanisms built in.

Irresponsible to vote for it and worse to lie about it later.


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