Friday, March 21, 2008

Silly Season in the Barack Campaign

All the Jeremiah Wright coverage going on is, in my opinion, a bit silly.

As I've opined here before, what the guy was saying was not nearly as "dangerous" as some would have you believe and his observations may not even be that far out of the mainstream.

While I don't have the data here to show you that each of the three cable news networks are wringing the Wright story to comparably-excessive levels, I hope my dear reader won't have too much trouble accepting my claim.

That's why I found it so funny this afternoon when the chatterboxes over at the Obama campaign decided to single out Fox's coverage of the story and complain about it.

Fox is a convenient target and they certainly have engaged in drumming up a substantively-irrelevant story, but it takes a lot less courage and honesty for a Democrat to only go after them and exonerate CNN and MSNBC.

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