Saturday, February 02, 2008

How Can You Tell Chris Matthews Is Getting Ready to Say Something Really Obnoxious?

His lips start moving.

Oldest joke in the book aside, liberal outfit Media Matters for America has started up a little Matthews Monitor page.

Much of this undoubtedly comes as a result of the blond one's blunt assessment/criticism of Hillary Clinton during the campaign season.

I halfway tune in to Matthews when I get home from work most days.

I don't hang on every word and appreciate that he has the same trait that our family Airedale, Jack, had when I was growing up (he liked to hear himself bark). But he has good guests and is reliably entertaining.

He also does seem to carry a lot more clout than his ratings would suggest he should. This, in turn, is a trait he seems to share with other current and former MSNBC hosts like Don Imus.


Anonymous said...

Matthews is pretty out of control. He needs to lay off the sauce.

Dan said...

Actually, I think i heard him say one time that he's a reformed drinker. I could be wrong...or he could be lying. ;-)