Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Abject Piffle

It's the phrase that's now burning up the right wing blogosphere....

And it's how Jonah Goldberg aptly describes the plagiarism charges against Obama from your good friends in Camp Clinton.

I happen to agree with them. While nothing they claim is factually wrong, it's dumb on a few levels.

First, it doesn't exactly establish or even begin to establish a pattern of behavior on Obama's part. While one instance of, say, murder is enough to brand one a murderer, the standard is a little bit higher when it comes to calling someone who spends a great deal of time talking "a plagiarist."

Next, and again knowing that Hillary has spoken a lot in the last few years, does she really want to run the risk of having each phrase she's uttered in the last 9 months plotted against all speeches ever given?

Finally, it just looks cheesy. It's so inconsequential that anyone except a complete moron would see through it.

Maybe that's the genius of her plan.

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