Sunday, February 03, 2008

More Douchebaggery from Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum, who may be using his religiosity to overcompensate for being a closeted fag, is now making robocalls on the part of Mitt Romney.

Clearly not a good sign for Team Mitt, they're pulling out an old card that they think will get them a few points on their fall down Mount Sinai...stopping just shy of saying that McCain's time in the Hanoi Hilton left him a nut, unfit to serve.

Hope the good lord appreciates your efforts, Mitt and Rick.


Anonymous said...

Pretty sure Rick Santorum is not gay.

McCain IS 'affected' from his time in the Hanoi Hilton. You don't think that has an effect on you?

His random outbursts are well documented, probably don't want a guy like that with his finger on the button.

Dan said...

I still think it's unseemly for Santorum to be making that call in this way. Or if he is going to, then he should just say it clearly so we can all hear WHY Ricky thinks he's unfit.

Unknown said...

He's a republican, thats why. As everyone knows, after the last 7 years being a republican should disqualify you from being president.

As the son of someone who still suffers from PTSD from Vietnam, I can say that the disorder should not automatically disqualify someone from the office. I have seen it affect emotion, but not so much the rationality of a person. Then again, I think McCains well documented hatred of 'the G----' should disqualify him, not to mention when coupled with his lack of understanding of economics and irrationality on foreign policy.