Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Brother's Keeper?

Been a busy few days here, so not much time or inclination for posting, but I couldn't resist writing something about Barack's moment or two in the hotseat last night.

I guess that Minister Louis Farrakhan offered and endorsement of fellow Chicagoan Barack Hussein Obama recently.

El Timbo asked what Barack thought of this and if he rejected the endorsement.

Barack himmed and hawed about it, offering a nuanced sort of answer before eventually capitulating when blondie piped in about how she rejected the support of a similarly-distasteful group in New York once.

Anyway, Byron York has a clever article this morning fit for the people who found Barack's careful sidestepping of a categorial denouncement of the Minister's support.

Imagine, he argues, that David Duke endorsed a Republican candidate and they offer a namby pamby, itemized list of grievances with Duke, rather than calling him a racist asshole.

Better yet, imagine if they had that kind of problem with a nut like James Dobson.



Unknown said...

Here when I was I watching, and Hillary had her little outburst, I thought she was going to do what Obama did with Biden earlier in one of the debates when he came to his defense. But interestingly enough she tried to pile it on, and in the process gave him such a great out.

He was digging himself a hole, Hillary tried to bury him but accidentally let him out of it. Amusing.

Dan said...

That's really funny, i had the same real-time guess..."wow, how nice of her to have a moment of civility."

Too funny.

But he was so damned smooth how he got out of it.

Unknown said...

'cause she let him out. He was digging down deeper and deeper, and she dropped him a ladder.

Dan said...

I'll concede the point!

Unknown said...

Dan, you're killing me.