Friday, January 04, 2008

Not That I'm In a Hurry to Write Her Obit or Anything...

But I think Peggy Noonan hits the nail on the head, if we're to point to the time, in Iowa, where Hillary started doing a Britney-class breakdown.

I think we were there when it happened, in the debate in which he was questioned on why so many of Bill Clinton's aides were advising him. She laughed, and he said he was looking forward to her advising him, too. He took mama to school.


Unknown said...

I thought that was quite a spectacular moment as well.

To be honest though I feel so much of the horse race is determined by the media, who created this barrier and in the last few weeks tore it down.

To be honest though, I bet even Bubba hopes Obama gets the nomination.

Dan said...

I agree with you here.

While not impossible to break thru press preferences (do you really think they feel good about a hilljack from AK doing well?) they do have more than their share of influence on what happens.

You're probably right on Bubba, too...

I wish I could have stayed awake, but I was nodding off around 10PM ET and hit the hay.

Unknown said...

Are you talking about Iowa or "The Press?"

Dan said...

The press.

I have no problem with IA's influence on the process.

Or, not a major problem...