Saturday, January 05, 2008

Morning Tidbits

Just got up for a few minutes to check on an overnight work job and scanned the papers (boy, there's a term your kids won't quite get, huh? They can read the paper while listening to a record album.)


  • Hillary's allegedly going to change her advertising strategy in NH, but is not yet saying how. She did, however, talk to the press yesterday claiming to have already been tested and it's high time that others in the race (especially black men from her home state) be held to some similar standard. Rest assured, she's the "most innocent" one on the trail. We shall wait to see what the hell that means.
  • Fred Thompson has decided, now, to skip New Hampshire and head on down to hopefully-greener pastures in South Carolina. This seems like a Giuiliani-Lite strategy, perhaps. I have to hand it to both of these candidates for trying to buck conventional wisdom in the way they've been spending their resources, but to date it's not seeming to be working. Then again, I don't make the big bucks so I'll just wait and see.
  • Both parties have debates to be aired, back-to-back, on ABC this evening starting around 8PM ET. Tomorrow night, the GOP, sans Libertarian Ron Paul, will have another showdown on Fox News Channel.
  • All is well...back to bed.


LM said...

I read an article this morning that stated all Hillary has to rely on is the "relic" Bill. Funny!

Dan said...

Yes, you can't look forward and backwards at the same time.

Unless, of course, you have two faces.