Even during the day yesterday, Major Garrett on Fox had been reporting, as fact, that Paul Begala and Captain Cueball were going to be joining the Clinton campaign.
Knowing that they were paid analysts at CNN, when I got home, they were the first network I tuned into.
After finally getting fed up with Bill Schneider and Soledad, I settled on MSNBC for most of the rest of the night.
Why the attack on FNC? MSNBC is far more aggressive in reporting falsehoods as facts.
In fact, Chris Matthews reported the other night that the United States has been fighting in Iraq for eight years. If that's true, I guess President Clinton gave the order to go in.
None of his panel, including Keith Olbermann, corrected him.
Major Garrett's report was due more to a bad source than some sort of greater conspiracy.
Well, my 'attack' may have been a bit ambitious (and also tongue-in-cheek), but we're clearly talking apples and oranges here.
For you to characterize a Matthews phrase as "reporting" is either an attempt to deceive one of my three readers or a big misunderstanding on your part.
Was an "alert" or other banner flown on MSNBC reporting that we've been there for eight years?
Shame on MSNBC for letting that slip through, but any reasonable person would be able to discern that it was not true for some reason. We would not have been able to figure this one out on our own.
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