Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shame On You

I work in a group of 4 men in their 30s and 40s. (Well, I'm in my 30s, the others are in their 40s, but who's counting).

Anway, we're getting to the point where we have to plan our next year. If my boss were to give us the talk while a bikini-clad girl worked the PowerPoint, my boss, who is no damned fool, would have to be one if he wondered why we didn't pay a lick of attention to the content of his talk and were just obsessed with the sideshow he offered.

Yesterday, Bill Clinton scolded a reporter for asking about all the nasty back-and-forth between his, I mean his wife's, campaign and that of Barack Obama. He chided the media for not paying attention to what they were saying about issues of substance and focusing only on some of the side squabbles.

Bill, that old dog, knew just what he was doing and anyone who thinks that it's not an intentional (and perhaps-brilliantly-played) act on the Clinton's part is a damned fool.

It's becoming increasingly hard for me to envision one of the two remaining Dems up on a stage endorsing the other with anything approaching a shred of credibility by the time this is all over.

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