Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I Was Starting To Feel Guilty About the Glee I Was Taking In Enjoying Hilary's Self-Destruction

But I am now guilt-free.

Today at a rally in New Hampshire, a Clinton speaker made a clear suggestion about how bullets tend to find certain leaders in this country who get too uppity.

Predictably, just as happened with the cocaine allegations a few weeks back, the Clintonistas quickly distanced themselves from the statements, denying knowing anything about it in advance.

Their act has become sickeningly cynical and tonight I plan to raise my glass of soda as I cheer on another loss for this wench.


Unknown said...

Hear, hear!

I am just curious about the groundswell for Obama, was it always there or is it a bandwagon phenomena?

LM said...

I love your sense of humor! You make me smile (and sometimes laugh)!