Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Got a Light?

First, kudos to the Wall Street Journal for providing embeddable video from their articles.

More news outlets should take this approach and not assume that everyone's going to click over to their site.

That said, I never knew that there was so much innovation going on in the cigarette world, but there is.


Anonymous said...

Those would have been so useful back in my college dorm room days. My fat fingers could never roll a good doobie, and I had to seal my door with my 'terrorist kit' duct tape and plastic sheeting to keep the RA from smelling the 2nd hand smoke.

Those products aren't for 'emerging foreign markets', I know better.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Anonymous 4:34 - You're a loser. You think you're cool, but frankly, you're sad.

This tells me that American smokers don't have patience and don't like anything that is a strange concept.
