Sunday, December 09, 2007

The Two Oprahs

I'm not exactly buying my ticket to Stockholm on my observations in this post, but it's just so funny to me that I could not pass up the opportunity to post it up.

As has been noted ad nauseum, Oprah Winfrey hit the campaign trail this weekend for fellow Chicagoan Barack Obama.

What strikes me, though, is that this Oprah speaks quite differently from the one we often see. In front of this integrated audience in South Carolina, her verbal intonations were strikingly different from the one we see on her show every day.

Now, I'll grant that the show is generally on topics of less importance than who will become the leader of the free world, so for guidance, I needed an appropriate comparison speech. In desperation, I looked back less than 24 hours when she was in front of a heavily-white crowd in Iowa giving what one would think would be identical speeches.

Whoah, Nellie. No way, no how.

She's really laying it on thick in one or both of these speeches...and her arms are strong from all the shoveling practice she's had.

Oprah In Front of an Integrated Crowd in South Carolina on Sunday

Oprah In Front of a Largely-White Crowd in Iowa 24 Hours Before


Unknown said...

Research Project: Do the same type of thing for most any other National figure or politician. Especially Shrub stump speeches. I think even "Clinton did it too" applies here as well. Even Carter is guilty.

You fault them for knowing their audience. Although mimicking mannerisms, and playing to stereotypes is a little disingenuous.

Dan said...

No no no...i didn't say anything about it being unique to her, nor that my observation was anything other than the obvious or what everyone else already knows.

Unknown said...

Ah, I should read more carefully. Although I would like to see a research project.

Why do you vilify her then? Make an example of her?

Dan said...

Because she's black.


I'm just posting it up because they were in such-close succession and her presence on the campaign trail so hyped, that's all....