Thursday, December 27, 2007

Any Excuse to Post Some Grateful Dead

Frankly, I'm just looking for a loose theme or tie-in to justify posting more consecutive Grateful Dead stuff around here, but what the hell. For the next few days, I'll be putting up highlights I can find from some of the Dead's classic New Years Eve shows.

From what I can tell, only 1982 and 1985 (approximate bookeneds to probably my favorite period of the band's) are the best documented shows on Youtube, so that's what we're going with.

Some of these guys have blocked embedding, so I've had to DL the videos and post them thru Blogger's interface.

Keep Your Day Job was an oft-played song during this period then mysteriously disappeared. Rumours have gone around that Jerry got rid of it 'cause fans didn't like it, but I have a little trouble with that argument.

Enjoy this ditty to kick off New Year Week!

BTW>> Make sure you stick around to the bitter end...this is the set closer before the midnight countdown, so you're treated to more deep thoughts from Bobby.

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