Friday, December 21, 2007

Not to Go All Fox News on You

I don't see the whole "Happy Holidays" thing as part of a devious plot by BillO's "secular progressives."

(For reasons that are more or less obvious depending on how well you know me ;-) )

But I do find the whole aversion to wishing someone a Merry Christmas to just be an annoyance. God forbid I offend anyone who might overhear me wishing a co-worker, a guy whose daughter was just confirmed last week, a Merry Christmas.

It's fine for me to ask someone if they saw the Browns game the other day and not worry that they're not a football fan, but this god damned holiday thing has gotten so sacred.

Anyway, I couldn't let the week pass without throwing down a little Boss action. I've never really gotten into him much (sorry, MC) but I always liked his cut of Santa Clause is Coming to Town.

This is another video from the famed Capitol Theatre in Passaic, NJ....from September 20, 1978 (hence his reference to this being 'a little early')

I'll be traveling in a few days and any posts will come from my work PC, so no music/videos till next week.

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