Friday, December 07, 2007

A Little More Garcia/Dylan

It's been kind of a busy week for me, so I've been lacking the time and inclination to post, but did want to throw down a little more Jerry Garcia for anyone who trips upon the site.

This is from a commercially-released video of a show Jerry did out at Shoreline in Mountain View, CA in September of 1990. The gig had originally been booked as a Grateful Dead show, but when Brent Mydland checked out that summer after overdosing, Jerry decided to step in with his band instead of disappointing the heads.

The fat man really seems to be having fun up there with what seems to me to be his classic lineup of Kahn on bass and Melvin on the ivory...

Enjoy the Dylan epic, Tangled Up in Blue...I'm sure I'll be pissed enough about something to post over the weekend.

WOW! I learned something new in the Wiki-link from above. I had misunderstood one of the lines in the song for all these years, but it seems I'm not alone!

The song contains one of the more famous mondegreens in rock and roll music: "We split up on a dark, sad night," understood by many listeners as "We split up on the docks at night."


Unknown said...

"I'm sure I'll be pissed enough about something to post over the weekend."

Like Bush lying to us about Iran for like 3 years now?

In a more related note, I do think that I dig Jerry and the Band, more the the dead. At least from your postings.

Dan said...

Haha...yes. Actually that's starting to blow my mind more and more. Esp the strained attempts at explaining the WWWIII remarks not so long back.

As for the Jerry band preferences, it's interesting, cool and I can kind of see that. Obviously I really like them, too.

They're just gave Jerry a chance to kind of branch out a bit. With as deep a song book they had to play from each night, I suspect they were somewhat boxed in after a time. Shows became somewhat formulaic.

Now in fairness, they were *relatively* formulaic. They still offered a wider night-to-night variety than any big name act out there, but I think you catch my drift.

Jerry could pick a little better on his own, and that is so refreshing. The crowds were also smaller, so it must have had its advantages, too.

I'll try to throw some more Garcia out there, then. Like I said, the catalog is not quite as deep, but it's so fun to listen to.

Not sure if you knew Reid K. down in Austin, but he's splitting...