Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some Beautiful Garcia Tunage

As I lick my wounds from yesterday and head back into the salt mines, I wanted something very easygoing to listen to this morning. As usual, I found just what I was looking for out of Jerry Garcia.

This is a Jerry Band live cut from the famous Capitol Theatre in Passaic, NJ in 1980. He plays one of the prettiest songs he used to cover in his solo gigs...Sitting in Limbo.

Chill out and check out the cool keyboard solo offered up at the end...


Unknown said...

Thanks Dan, this really made my morning too.

Its snowing like a mo'fo' up here.

Dan said...

Yeah, I always dug that song. Very cool stuff.

It is? makes it look sunny.

Cold as all hell, but sunny.


We got an inch or two last night. It was small enough that you hardly know it's there.

Unknown said...

I always think of the Jimmy Cliff version of the song when at mass I am asked to pray for the souls of those who are in purgatory.

"Lord hear my [LSD influenced] prayer"