Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Sorry for Turning the Blog into My Personal MTV

Hoping it doesn't become too much of a bore...but I just get caught up in some other things and don't post as often as I otherwise might. Then again, it's my space (heh) so I'll do what makes me happy.

That said, I am getting close to making my Prez endorsement. I'm not sure if I should hedge a little bit and do one from each party or just an overall fave.

Hmmm...the decisions a media baron must make. Now I feel Rupert's pain.

Anyway, today's selection is another cut from that Jerry Band show out at Shoreline in 1990. On the side, I found an audio compilation called, "Jerry Does Motown."

No, it's not some kind of pervy, Michigan-based, fat fetish porno but just old Garcia covering Motown classics. It's 4 disks and should provide me some fun when I head back to the grindstone in a few hours.

With that on my mind, I grabbed the tune Marvin Gaye, and later James Taylor, made famous, How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You).

Jerry's smiling playing the song and I'm smiling listening...hopefully you can say the same about yourself.


Unknown said...

Are you making an endorsement, or picking a winner?

Are you aligning your political philosophy with a person, or are you hedging your odds?

Personally I would prefer you to make an ideological stand. We often hold our noses when we vote, or perhaps make an endorsement, but here you have a chance to really spell out who you think should lead us.

Just my thoughts, its your blog.

Dan said...

oh yeah, i was not going to just prognosticate a winner....i would have had my preferred candidate.

hedge might not have been the best word but there are candidates in each party that i find equally-appealing (which is not exactly that close to appealing in an absolute sense, mind you).

Unknown said...

You could do a countdown and give us the candidates you don't like, until your choice is left.

Or you could do clues for a few days and encourage us readers to figure it out. You could do it all as a poem.

Unknown said...

"Roses are red, violets are blue,
I do not support the candidate who..."

Dan said...

Haha, that's a good idea you have there.

I'm working at home tomorrow, so a cut down on walkup traffic should be good for my sanity.

How's this for a first stab...

Dan I am
I won't vote for another white man

Not one who dodged Veeyet-NAM
Not one used to the Hollwood glam
Not one intent on bombing Iran

Dan I am

Unknown said...

Good job Dan!