Monday, December 10, 2007

More on Oprah

One of my favorite newly-discovered blogs, BigheadDC is all over the Oprah stuff from the weekend.

Apparently she didn't pack as many butts in the seats as planned. But conversely, her seat did have a lot of butt in it.


Unknown said...

"Barack Obama don't want none unless you got buns, hun.

You can do side bends or sit-ups, but please don't lose that butt."

But seriously folks. In examples like these, it becomes obvious who got their logic instruction at a Catholic institution. :)

The example pointed out is not a true converse.

Converse of p->q is q->p. Your statement is more like ~q->r.

FYI: I'm just kidding, and the joke was pretty funny.

Dan said...

I actually did debate for a moment if 'conversely' was the right word, but let it slip...thinking it just sounded good, but you're right that's probably not what the great Blackbird Logicians would have said....