Monday, April 28, 2008

The Neocon's Enemy's Enemy...Is Also His Enemy

Bill Kristol, the new kid on the block over at the New York Times Opinion Page, comes through with a winner this morning.

While no fan of Hillary Clinton, he argues that she's actually run a much better campaign than most of us expected her to, wiggling herself out of more than one tough spot and throwing some excellent punches, compared to Barry's Chinese Water Torture approach picking up caucuses and the like.

The press, he points out, has been very unfair to her in not noting her successes and framing everything in an Obamacentric point of view.

Well worth your time if you have it.


Unknown said...

Obamacentric? You mean like actually winning?

Dan, I can't believe you are falling for the continual moving of the goal posts crap the Clinton campaign is trying to pull.

It is and will be all about pledged delegates. The real story is whether Hillary is trying to destroy Obama [the party] to the point that she can run again in 4 years against the old man.

Dan said...

Oh, stop putting words in my mouth.

I didn't argue that it's about anything but delegates.

I only said that she's not getting the credit for running a stronger-than-expected campaign.

That's all.

Unknown said...

Stronger than expected? She was leading by 30 pts in almost every state 4 months ago.

She was the clear and apparent front runner and heir. Her campaign is practically bankrupt.

The only thing I would say is that when the bottom fell out the basement wasn't as deep as most thought.

I will say that she is a fighter, but alas not a very good one. When you flail your arms you are bound to get a couple hits in.

Dan said...

Ohhhh fiddlesticks on you.

I'll clarify.

She underperformed given her natural advantage walking in. I'm all with you there.

But when she was backed up against the wall in New Hampshire and beyond, I was not the only one who thought it was all over but for the cryin'.

Sometime around Ohio, she seems to have shown an ability I didn't know she had...she became some kind of a real candidate.

Now, I think she's full of shit most of the time, but that's kind of a repeat of what I just said.

Unknown said...

Ah, I get you now.

Despite thinking that she would not have to run a real campaign to get the nomination, she has been forced to and in the process she has... found her voice?

Unknown said...

Ah, I get you now.

Despite thinking that she would not have to run a real campaign to get the nomination, she has been forced to and in the process she has... found her voice?

Dan said...

Har har har.

But, yes, that's pretty close.

D. Bilas said...

Hillary is clearly our country's best sloganeer. She hasn't just run one great campaign -- she's run at least six or seven. Soon, there will be no slogans left for anyone else to use.