Monday, April 21, 2008

I Don't Think Any of You Care...

...but Artie returned to the Stern show today.

I was both surprised and disappointed that they continue to enable his downfall.


Unknown said...

I hope he gets the help he needs.

Dan said...

It's really sad because he used to be quite funny on the show, but has degenerated over time.

Unknown said...

Stern has always been an enabler. One of the reasons I could never stand him.

I'm more of a Barnyard man...

Unknown said...

Sorry, I'll defend Howard further than that...this is one bad example, but there are lots of things that make that show great.

Yesterday, he had Neil Patrick Harris (Doogie Howser, MD) on and it was one of the most entertaining interviews I'd ever heard.

Barnyard is amusing to the local market and I have to give him credit for beating Stern back when I was living up yonder.

But I could never quite 'get' him. He played hard to the born-and-bred Minnesotan crowd which, again, I can't blame him for.

He also created 'Crazy Cabbie' who ended up going on to more fame in the New York maarket on Stern's old station.