Monday, April 21, 2008

And If You Were on the Moon, Bill, You'd be Weightless

It's hard to call anything the biggest Clinton whopper of all time, but this might at least get an honorable mention in the hall of fame.

Today, Bill's quoted by ABC as saying that if Hillary were running in a primary under Republican rules, she'd be ahead by hundreds of delegate votes.

ABC's counting brings it closer to 173 ahead, but regardless, there would be a whole hell of a lot things different if Hillary were running in the GOP.

But again, I have to hand it to him. Knowing that most people don't really think about the fact that Bubba hand-picked the people currently in charge of the party and had ample opportunity to change any structural inequities in the nominating process, it was another slick move.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not quite Dan...

Thats not quite accurate. For instance if you weighed 200 lbs here on Earth you would still weigh 33 lbs on the moon.

Significantly less, sure; but not exactly weightless.

Still you would be closer to weightlessness than Hillary at winning the nomination.