Sunday, October 07, 2007

Renaissance of Appreciation for REM

I've started, lately, to revisit an earlier appreciation for REM. I was never their biggest fan and don't plan on having 'Stipe' tattooed across my ass or getting a dog named Eponymous, but they were probably a much cooler band than I originally gave them credit for.

Enjoy "Finest Worksong" from their 1989 tour movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I must also admit that I was never a big fan of them. I enjoyed them, but never to the point that I would go out of my way to follow what they were doing.

I did, however, have a chance to see them at the "Rock and Roll for Kerry" thing with Bruce in St. Paul. I was completely blown away by them. They put on a great show.

I must point out though that Neil Young did completely steal the show though. Nevertheless, REM is truly a great band.