Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Just in Time for His Birthday!

Look what you can get online now at this major retailer!


Unknown said...

Frickin Target! Is nothing sacred anymore.

Look at it this way though, for every Jesus doll purchased Target will donate 1% to the school of your choice, on top of their 5% of total revenue to charity promise.

It would be kind of funny though if these things were made in China. We even outsourced our idol manufacturing.

Is that worse than "riding sidesaddle on the golden calf"?

Unknown said...

Also, there seems to be no artistic freedom with the face of Jesus anymore. That guy has been typecast for thousands of years now. I would just once like to see a jesus who was shorter, chubbier, and with just a mustache. A handlebar. Kinda like that creepy guy who hangs out in the park.

Anyway, give us christians a ideal that we can live up to. Quit filling out heads with these unobtainable images of what a true christian looks like. I mean, they dont even have the 'non-pasty-face' version.

Dan said...

Everyone knows Jesus is a white man, Cody. Let's not tempt people into blasphemy.