Saturday, October 06, 2007

Jacobs Field...A Biblical Place?

Not being a big sports guy in general, I sat down to watch my second Indians game of the year last night. It seems that when I choose to watch, weird things happen.

While the season is not over yet, as the Indians are up 2-0 in their ALDS series against the evil Yankees, their season has been somewhat bookended by odd weather events.

The first game I watched was the regular season opener against the Mariners, which had to be put off till later in the season due to freak spring blizzard that screwed us up this year.

Last night when I tuned in, we had another plague-like event landing on Jacobs Field...bugs!

I live about five miles from downtown Cleveland and did not have any big problems at home, but the field was overcome by "Canadian Soldiers," which are these little bugs that apparently only live a day and don't have mouths (so they can't bite).

I could not find a good closeup picture, as they showed on television, how these little buggers were covering players' skin, but it had to have been very distracting!

Anyway, I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that my Cubbies can come out of their 2 game deficit against the D-backs when they return to Wrigley this evening, but my failure to commit has left me with two teams I can root for this post-season.

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