Tuesday, October 09, 2007

I Hate the Godawful Voiceover Work, But...

Californication, a new series on Showtime this year is pretty damned cool. They had the pilot episode available on Netflix and I've been getting the other episodes by alternative means, Matey.
The pilot and first regular episode had a bit too much graphical, gratuitous sex scenes for something where the story should be the backbone, but they seem to have toned that down to more suggestion than plumbing and the show really benefits.

The one thing that can never go too far, or be too gratuitous, is their willingness to throw down a good Warren Zevon reference now and then, so that alone is worth everyone's time!

You can get the gist of it from the clip below, but Duchovny gets to show off some of his admirable comedic timing as well as some charm. Speaking of charming, his daughter is just precocious enough to be entertaining, but occasionally dips her toe over the line.

Give it a look if you have the time and inclination!

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