Thursday, July 19, 2007

Random Funny from The Politico

I was reading an otherwise-unremarkable article about why Barack Obama would be wise to attend the Iowa State Fair next month and eat everything he can on a stick when I got to the bottom.

Politico lets registered users post up comments on their articles.

Interpid1, a Republican who doesn't want to let us know where (s)he lives has the whole thing figured out...

Wow, no mention of Obama wanting sex-ed for pre schoolers.Plus
wanting universal free abortion care.The MSM can run all the fluff peices on
Obama they want but the you know what is going to hit the fan over this sex ed
for preschoolers. The liberals want little kids sexed up so they can become as
depraved as they are when the get older and become democrat voters.. Once again this is the government acting as sustitute parents,chiseled out of the liberal
template.When the hell are people going to wake up to these people's agendas?


gb said...

Sounds like someone didn't get laid until college. Oh, wait . . .

Dan said...

I bet you I could dig back and find a postcard from CN with a smiley face on it. ;-)

Remember LN?