Friday, July 27, 2007

Doritos Social Science

There's a neat opinion piece in the Washington Times I thought I would direct you to.

Capitalizing on the success of Michael Moore's Sicko, a Congressional committee (which incidentally would have no jurisdiction over the legislation that some of the testimony was clearly intended to act as support for).

They had two Harvard professors, David Himmelstein and Elizabeth Warren, present evidence that about half of all bankruptcies are medical-related.

Now if the inference that one might draw from reading that headline were true, we would really have to consider the possibility that something needs to be tweaked here.

Problem is, of course, it depends on how you define "medical."

The distinguished professors include gambling problems, birth and adoption.  While these most certainly can at times be related to, or one in the same as a medical problem, it's undoubtedly deceptive to just lump them in without some sort of explanation.

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