Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Church Misses The Mark Again

The Vatican is out today, after their $600M payout the other day to cover sex abuse in California, talking about how everyone else needs to worry about sex abuse, as well.

The statement carries on about how we need to work together to avoid such "wickedness" in the future.

While not untrue, this statement clearly reflects either a complete failure to understand what we're talking about or another outright attempt at deception.

The ordained priests who engaged in this behavior are the first ones at fault and guilty of first-class sins.

But my take is that the problem lies at least equally, if not moreso, with the structures within the Church that acted to cover this up on such a wide scale.

The persons who did this are individually responsible for their own sins and should pay a price, but one has to accept at least the possibility that they are damaged individuals giving in to things that no healthy individual would take part in. They're sick.

But what's to be said about the power structure of the church, presumably-fit individuals, who let this carry on? They acted as enablers and are, in my opinon, much more to blame than anyone else.


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