Saturday, July 28, 2007

Actually, Counselor, Have You Considered That We Might Just Not Be Paying Much Attention to You?

John Edwards, relying on his finely-tuned Atticus Finch schtick is out with a Youtube this week that's doing what it was supposed to.

It got him the top story on Drudge, at least at this hour.

Ben Smith at The Politico covers the new video, with Johnboy talking with Just-Folks at a little meeting how the anonymous power structure 
in this country is trying to shut him up.  They don't want the people to hear what John has to say about poverty and class in this country.

But rest assured, Mr. and Mrs. Previously-Unaware-That-Some-Of-Us-(including Edwards)-Are-Better-Off-Than-Others, he will not be silenced.

Logically, of course, Edwards' point is ridiculous.  People were scared of John Kerry running on his military record, so they Swiftboated him.

Edwards, on the other hand, seems to have cricket sound effects around him.

But, again, he got Drudge talking about him and he got me to post something other than a quirky music video on a Saturday.  And I do have to give him the comeback of the week award, too.  If you saw the debate on Monday night when he decided to make himself a hero, telling viewers,
"If you won't vote for Hillary because she's a woman and Barack because he's black, please don't side with me;  I don't want your vote."

paraphrasing John Edwards at the 7-23 CNN/YouTube Demoratic Debate

( in Henry Hill voice...):  Puhleeze!

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