Saturday, November 10, 2007

I've Got Friends in High Places

We know that former NYC Top Cop and Giuliani confidante, Bernie Kerik was indicted on as series of charges in the Empire State the other day.

Understandably and predictably, he's set up a legal defense fund for himself.

The amusing and interesting thing to me (and HuffPo which has this as their splash this morning) is the theme they chose with the pictures. All over the site are pix of him with Mayor Guiliani, GeeDub and L. Paul Bremer, as well as Kerik walking around doing security in Iraq.

While these relationships and events probably are high points in his public life, they're hardly beacons of success and only sure to draw in the nincompoops who didn't need the pix anyway to believe the lie that he's being picked on.


Unknown said...

Out of a country of 300 million, you would think the 'boys club' would be a little bit bigger.

I can't believe how small and tight these circles of policy elite are.

Looking forward to Motorhead postings.

Dan said...

Hillary's people are now wearing "turn up the heat" t-shirts.

Does that mean she has a perception of being ice cold?