Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Bittersweet Song

I saw Wes Anderson's Darjeeling Limited a few weeks back and it easily met my high aspirations.

As usual, the cinematography reflected both an intense focus on details and a desire to feed his audience the visual equivalent of pop rocks. The other standard you can count on is a kickass soundtrack and that, too, was delivered.

I'll grab another track or so at some other time from the movie, but I did want to post up Peter Sarstedt's beautiful "Where Do You Go To (My Lovely)"

This was featured in the short, shown before the movie (and available for free on iTunes), Hotel Chevalier as well as in the feature presentation.

To bring the testosterone level back up from subzero levels, I may have to post some hardcore pornography or Motorhead music, so be warned.


Unknown said...

Did you see it at the Cedar Lee?

Dan said...

Yes....and I guess they had a sneak preview several weeks before and Anderson and Jason Scwhartzman were there to do Q&A afterwards...