Sunday, November 25, 2007

Amen to That, Brother

I haven't posted enough (any?) of one of my favorite singer/songwriters, Randy Newman. This cat really has longevity and depth to what he does. You probably know him even if you don't know it.

There's a certain wry humor to most of his stuff that really catches my fancy.

Here's a cut (haha, i just had to change a funny typo there ;-) ) from SNL which seems to be from the 80s of "It's Money that Matters" and even without seeing him on stage with him, Mark Knopfler's signature guitar sound hits you like a color TV you should move.


Kilroy_60 said...

I had a rather entertaining visit. Weaving the video posts into the traditional text posts works well.

Mostly, though, I'd have to say I admire the creativity and narratives that bite just hard enough to evoke screams!

What can I say, I have a soft spot for the Eagles myself. Those were good posts. Rock on, Joe!!

Do you have interest in link exchanges on the banks of Lake Erie? I'm up for it...and can pass along a few referrals as well.


The Gonzo Papers

Dan said...

Hey, thanks for the kudos. Glad someone likes it! I'll link you up over on the side if you'd like. Thanks again!