Now he's irked at the leading GOP candidates who are ignoring the upcoming Tavis Smiley-hosted Presidential debate.
His brief comments on HuffPo are either shamefully naive or similarly cynical.
The GOP candidates gain no more, electorally, showing up there than Dennis Kucinich would showing up at an NRA or Federalist Society meeting.
The difference here is that the latter two organizations are comfortable enough in their own skin, and not wrapped up in their victimhood mentality, to scold candidates who don't come. They simply don't support folks who don't vote in line with their interests.
For some reason, the West crowd folks who would make a stink about the debate no-shows will both choose not to vote for right-leaning candidates as well as feign surprise about it.
"Is there gambling going on in this establishment?"
Are you sure you mean what you are saying about the NRA?
Yes, I think the NRA is about as sympathetic to the Kucinich candidacy as the folks who would show up at this debate would be to a typical GOP candidate.
Did I unintentionally suggest something different?
nothing makes 'sense' dan.
you have to leverage your position. that is how you win the game.
honor? ha.
oh i'm not expecting honor. i'm still wondering what they win by doing this...
Specifically I was referring to: "comfortable enough in their own skin, and not wrapped up in their victimhood mentality"
I don't really think that this applies to the NRA in the least bit.
Oh, I'll stand by that. I mean the 'in their own skin' i guess was a bit of a bad play on words, but I'll stick by that.
They do more than their share of fear-mongering ('Pelosi wants to take away your guns' etc), but they're much more disciplined and mature in their tactics, in my opinion, than other groups.
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