Monday, September 03, 2007

Opera 9.5 Beta to be Released on Tuesday

I've been a big fan of the Opera browser for years and pretty much split my time between it and Firefox whenever I can...there are still some cretins who insist on making you use IE for their sites and I do so only grudgingly.

To me, Opera functions in much the same way outsider candidates, like Dennis Kucinich or Pat Buchanan do in Presidential campaigns. In all likelihood they won't be on top when the race is over, and that's a shame, but they force the mainstream candidates (or browsers like IE, in this case) to adopt positions or functions that the people really want and that they are too slow to notice or implement on their own.

The much-anticipated 9.5 Beta is being released tomorrow and I can't wait to take it for a test spin.

The folks over at Cybernet News have put together a nice little video of the improved functionality we can look forward to.


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