Saturday, June 30, 2007

How Can I get This Hour and Fifty-Five Minutes of My Life Back?

I understand and enjoy some serious movies.

I understand and enjoy some downright silly movies and other entertainment.  I've posted many times that I'm basically a Howard Stern Superfan, for cyring out loud.

But one thing I really can't stand is a movie that has simply been dumbed down.

That is what Man of the Year is and I implore you not to waste a second of your time or a penny of your income on it.  I won't even waste the space here giving you much of a synopsis.

It seems to want to make a serious point about the so-called corruption of political discourse in this country while playing on (primarily left-wing) fantasties of a fixed election and, for good measure, a bit of a love story.

It's a poorly written story from the first moment and acts moreso as a tapestry of isolated standup routines by star Robin Williams and Lewis Black to recyle parts of their standup acts.

My thumbs are down...I'm wondering where theirs were.

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