Sunday, October 05, 2008

Tactics and Strategies

In the Oxford debate, Rambo accused Whitey of not understanding the difference between a strategy and a tactic...specifically when it came to The Surge in Iraq.

This morning, Peggy Noonan was on MTP and she better-articulated a point I tried to make the other day to some friends after the debate. I was annoyed with the Gov's folksy charm because I saw it more as a lack of depth rather than a way to accomplish some particular goal.

The former Reagan staffer said it better, arguing that McPalin seems to be using populism as its strategy rather than a tactic. This seems to be the point I was grasping for, but missed.

While I still have plenty of problems with the fluff provided by the other guys, 'I'm for the Joe Six-Packs of the country' can only be tolerated in limited doses and as part of a larger argument behind the merits of your candidacy.

Again, this might all be hidden, but for now, I ain't seein' it...

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