Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm Starting to Understand...

Why people of a certain age just start to get turned off to politics.

While I still get a kick out of it, this cycle, more than any other, has just made me so much more cynical than I've ever been before.

El Rushbo chimed in on the Powell endorsement.

Rush, why don't you just stop dancing around your true desires, come on down and call the guy a ni**er? It would be a much more honest way of expressing yourself.


Unknown said...

I just imagine that cigar being the collective phallus of the GOP.

Unknown said...

the real question is if this is turning you off enough to vote for the other guy?

you in a metaphorical 'average american' sense, not that we are waiting for your endorsement or anything.

Unknown said...

I'm a solid Republican and I don't listen to him!

BTW, don't be putting n-bombs on your blog - especially with your Rogers Park history!

Dan said...

I was tempted to delete your comment, but decided to respond, instead.

Since most of the 4 people reading this could be misled by your joke, you should recall who was and was not there for the prank you're talking about.

Hint: I actually had a job that summer and was not there. So cut it out...we don't want to start tossing around stories from college.

Unknown said...

My apologies, that was not my intent.

Since you deleted my other comment regarding Nazi imagery and FNC on your blog, you can go ahead and delete the one above.

Dan said...

Haha. No, it's OK. It's all good.

gb said...

must have been the pills talking