That's catchy.
The thought is that if you were smart, you'd look at the kind of spending McCain advocates and that which Barry is behind.
This seems to make sense.
The real rallying point is how Barry wants to stick it to a few people on the top of the food chain and "redistribute" their wealth.
Ignoring the hard fact that taxes are basically redistribution devices in and of themselves, I can see why you would be against this if you were either very rich, had a heightened sense of economic morality or both.
Barack the sissy was against the Iraq war from the beginning. Now, he was not holding elected office at the time, but there's at least a clear public record of his stance.
Rambo, on the other hand, was all for it.
Please don't tell me about fiscal responsibility unless you were against this war to begin with or can demostrate to me how remaining there is in some way cost-effective.
It's really trashy to pretend that you give a shit about spending, John. You remind me of someone who has an overflowing toilet that's left feet of sewage flooding the house, but instead of taking care of that problem, you insist on dusting the earmarks off the window sills to prove your cleanliness.
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