Sunday, October 19, 2008

Oh God, I Wish I Had the Video to Post for You

I slept uncharacteristically late this morning and just got up. As I flipped on the news nets, Colin Powell was out there explaining why he's endorsing Barry.

Well, the pluckers on Fox are just beside themselves right now. This is downright funny watching their Fox and Friends Weekend show. They're now just winding up on Powell, pulling out everything negative they can about him...including speculation that he's merely bitter about not having been picked as McCain's veep.

I'm usually one to just giggle at these assholes and find their sensationalism more annoying than any apparent ideological bias, but this one was just over the top. I'm sure Arianna and some of the other left wing kooks will have video up as the day progresses.


Unknown said...

I wonder if they will bring up his involvement in the cover up of Mai Lai, or at least make those inuedndos. This could be the most damaging association Obama has yet.

Powell is a time bomb, he was part of the administration and everything. Change my A$$.

Unknown said...

But this overlooks the real story of the day:

Janine Turner supports Gov Palin!

trot out those endorsements.

Unknown said...

And this isn't scary?

Dan said...

Oh my.

Interesting how he's taking time off the trail now, though...that's the sign of confidence?

Do you think it's over for McCain or are we really looking at a late night in a few weeks?