Sunday, September 21, 2008

Trying to Absorb the Bailout

So I spent the morning doing some housework and listening in on the Sunday talk shows.

My understanding of the financial situation, and why the government needed to act so quickly on vague details includes the following:

  • Crisis was imminent.
  • The cost of not acting far outweighed the costs of acting...even if it takes us into debt we couldn't quite imagine several days ago.
  • Even if they don't know all the facts going in, we should trust that the Federales will handle it correctly.
  • Bush understands this situation.

I think I've heard something like this from many of the same folks and their allies before...but I bet this time, it's a slam dunk.


Unknown said...

My concern is that it is being rushed through, ie Patriot Act et. al., without time for anyone to really learn anything about the Brooksian "Complex Situation."

This is monumental (hell mountains aren't big enough to carve out a stack of money this big), and we seem to be handling it like a hot potato(e).

Unknown said...

Not comfortable with the government taking over a company.

I don't think we've nationalized anything since Bayer in WWII!
