Sunday, September 21, 2008

Newt Gingrich: Coming to a Blog Near You

The former Speaker of the House and leader of the 1994 House revolution now is apparently blogging over at National Review.

He, like other voices starting to creep up after the Kumbaya-bomb dropped on us by Congressional and Administration officials in the last 24 hours, is very skeptical of what they're going to try to shove down your throat before the election recess.

I'll be very interested to see how the candidates for 1600 behave this week. While it's easy for McPalin (I just was listening to her rally in Lady Lake, FL) to make fun of Barry for being slow to come out with some sort of road map out of Armageddon, the war hero was no better.

He was quicker to open his mouth about what should be done. I'll grant that.

But zig-zagging from 'the fundamentals are fine' (and hold your's a point I don't feel like arguing because it was just a politically stupid thing to say, even if true in some nuanced sense) to 'fire Chris Cox' to 'no bailout for AIG' (and then proceeding to back it) didn't make him seem like someone in charge of his own brain.

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