Sunday, August 10, 2008

Questions I Wish They Would Have Asked

This is something I've been meaning to put up here for some time...when I read interviews in the paper and a lazy, intimidated, immoral or inept reporter doesn't ask what I think is the obvious followup, I'm going to start posting it here.

That'll show them when my army of three readers rise up!

This week, The Other Katie got an interview with old Bubba. She asked him whether he thought Barry was prepared to be President. This is from the AP.

...Clinton gave a philosophical, not political answer.

"You could argue that no one's ever ready to be president. I mean, I certainly learned a lot about the job in the first year. You could argue that even if you've been vice president for eight years that no one can ever be fully ready for the pressures of the office and that everyone learns something, and something different. You could argue that," Clinton said.

What Kate Should Have Said: Mr. President, I wasn't asking you what someone who's being passive aggressive (as Jon Stewart joked) could argue. I asked what your personal opinion on Barack Obama's fitness for office at this point is.

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