Sunday, August 19, 2007

Leave it to the Plain Dealer

As both of my loyal readers know, I really have it out for the Plain Dealer.

If only it were made of softer paper, they might be able to lure me into a subscription so that I could get a fresh roll of toilet paper delivered to my doorstep every morning.

Anyway, August 19 has become one of my favorite days of the year.

Why, you ask?

Because it's the day after the Feast of the Assumption street fair/festival ends here in Cleveland. I live just a half block off of ground zero and while my block doesn't have an exceptional amount of riff-raff running around, it does congest the whole area.

I like it for a short time and I'm happy that it brings in some business for the neighborhood, but beyond that, I'm glad when the circus leaves town. The ground-shaking fireworks marked its end last night around 10:30 PM.

So this morning, I thought I would share a bit of it with folks and find a photo gallery online...since I was too lazy to shoot and upload any myself.

Our good friends at the asylum known as the Plain Dealer have one up, but this one, in particular, caught my eye.

No matter how devoted a Catholic one might be, is is at all appropriate to display an image of her, and draw attention to the Virgin....right above your crotch?

Anyway, the gallery is mostly from parade day and doesn't really show that, beyond a nice parade (that actually goes right in front of my house) the rest of it is just a regular old street fair with beer gardens and that famous Italian delicacy....Gyros.

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