Friday, August 10, 2007

Bill Richardson Blows it at the Gay Debate

I will have to read more on this and try to find a podcast or re-run of it when I get home (it was on at 9PM EDT and would run past my bedtime), but apparently Bill Richardson stuck his foot in his mouth last night at the so-called Gay Presidential debate in LA.

When asked the question that anyone with half a brain should have been prepared for, he declared that sexual orientation is a choice behavior rather than something that may be genetically determined.

Uh oh, Bill...

Being the dingbat pol he is, of course, his campaign tried to backpeddle on this via a statement afterwards, but as former Senator, Macaca Allen knows, it's really really hard to dispute it when the tape is so clear.

>> Interestingly, Allen's Macaca moment was almost exactly a year ago today (August 11, 2006)


Unknown said...

But they think nobody is paying attention in August.

Dan said...

Right, but googletube is forever ;-)