Monday, August 27, 2007

Hello, Honey. It's Me.

The Parental Units used to listen to a bit of Harry Chapin when I was a kid and I kind of got a bigger kick out of him later on in life. The singer-songwriters of that era (like Chapin, Jim Croce and Steve Goodman) were American originals and, unfortunately, few and far between these days.

Ryan Adams is one of the few moderately-successful exceptions I can think of.

I won't bother with the overplayed Cat's song, but how about a little W.O.L.D.? This is a live cut from 1981...the sound is a bit scratchier that a studio cut I found, but I kind of dug this one...and if you don't like it, get your own blog! ;-)

1 comment:

LM said...

Thanks for the mention! We even saw Harry in concert twice.