Friday, July 25, 2008

Oh, Will You Shut Up About the Damned Surge!

If a surgeon lopped off my arm during a surgery to repair a chipped bone in my pinkie finger, then was able to replace said arm with a Captain Hook stump three years later, should we give the doctor a parade or an Atomic Wedgie for messing me up in the first place?

It's beyond me why John McCain keeps running around talking about his support for the surge as if a) He actually has some operational authority over troop strategy in Iraq b) The idea really is evidence of a keen military mind and not just someone who legitimately got past the techniques taught in the first chapter of Playground Fights for Dummies.

He's at it again today, saying how his judgment is so great and Barry's is so poor based on their support for the surge. The problem, of course, is that if McCain is so keen on looking at historical wartime decisions, it makes perfect sense to look back at who got us into this mess to begin with!

Who displayed good judgment then, Mr. Man?

Who had a good read on our place in the world then, Senator?

Did "Al Queda in Iraq" even exist then?

God, I feel like Keith Olbermann, now.


Unknown said...

More people are murdered in Chicago each year than soldiers die in Iraq. Thousands of people die in car accidents each year.

Where's your outrage about that? What's the focus on Iraq for?

Dan said...

Fair enough, "S"

When's the last time W stopped to give us a speech on the gun violence in Chicago, huh? If it's that important, surely Mr. President should be out here talking about it, too, not just piddly old me.

But since you've asked, I have not ignored urban gun violence here, either.

Dan said...

Furthermore, my posting was only a response to McCain's making it a centerpiece of his talking points lately.

If he comes out and gives a speech on urban violence, I'll be as quick as I can to post the audio of it along with a congratulatory statement.

Unknown said...

That is such an intellectually dishonest comparison. Chicago has a population of nearly 3 million, there are over 300 million Americans. Compared with the 140 thousand troops in Iraq. The per capital leathality is obviously much higher in Iraq.

Also, your argument ignores the moral, economic, and strategic issues of the Iraq war by boiling it all down to a body count.

It's not only dishonest, but not really relevant either.