Saturday, June 28, 2008

How John McCain Plans to Beat Barry's Big Fundraising Advantage

Thank God posting videos on YouTube is free.

With it, John McCain can more wisely use his relatively paltry $84M funding cap, but still get his message out with catchy videos like this.

In his next installment, McCain (or the 527s) will use another contemporary pop culture reference by comparing Barack Obama to George "Kingfish" Stevens.


D. Bilas said...

This is my favorite McCain campaign video:

Unknown said...

I wonder how effective this is at reaching people who it can influence. Who is going to go search for this if you are unaware of the issues? Who uses youtube for their research?

I could be wrong, but free does not correlate with effective in this case.

Besides these types of canned movies will never be successful on youtube. Its all about Mecacca [sp] moments. This shows a complete misunderstanding of youtube culture. Or perhaps I just don't get it.

Looks like desperation rather than political brilliance. Of course that line is continually being blurred.